
Showing posts from March, 2017

Are Dads Good for Society?

Of course dads are good for society. Well, good dads are good for society. They provide many different things – some intangible – to the family and thus the society. Good dads are good for society. Bad dads can be very detrimental to society. They can cause harm to their spouses and children and be a drain that ultimately needs to be amended. Just being a dad doesn’t mean you’re a good one. We have to work tremendously hard at it each day. What are we, as a society, looking for out of dads to classify us as good? Perhaps that’s difficult to define. Aristotle noted that family is the fundamental building block of society (in so many words and in Greek for that matter). With that understanding we can see the vital role that a dad has in the society because of the vital role that a dad has in his family. The building blocks of society need good dads. Dads provide stability. We are not leaving our wives husbandless and our children fatherless. We provide a rock upon which our family

What's in a Name?

"Dad," "dada" and "da" are three common names that babies, toddlers and kids use for their dads. Perhaps they use them in reverse order as their speech abilities develop. The origin of the name is somewhat a mystery. As most familial and love laden things are no one is exactly sure of the origin. Why a sibling has a specific nick name or why something is called what it is usually has to do with the pronunciation skills of the people concerned. Same thing with "Dad." Mental Floss has a brief article called  Where do the words "Mom" and "Dad" come from?  The 1500's is the earliest date the article provides but mentions even the OED's uncertainty as to the beginning of the name "Dad." I love it. "Dad" wasn't voted on by a committee. Dads did not get together and have a discussion. -"Say, Frank, I really hate that my kids call me 'bubs.' Think there's anything we can do about it