
Showing posts from August, 2017


Please excuse the two month hiatus I've had from blogging. A month long trip to Australia and buying a home are my excuses. Now for what led me back to writing. Charlottesville. Shocking. It's truly difficult to read the articles and watch the videos of the car driving into the crowd. The responses from our nation's leaders and the commentary add to the chaos that ignited Saturday, August 12th. This will not be a summary of the events - there are news sources for that. The purpose of this post is not to discuss First Amendment rights or White Supremacy. The purpose of this will be to give dad's answer to it, as all things done here are. How do I, as a dad, take in and process yesterday's events? How do I, as a dad, look at my growing family and see what I can do to protect them from this violence? How do I, as a dad,  make sure that none of my children grow up harboring such hatred? How do I, as a dad, take all of the facts, thoughts and repercussions of Char