A Dad from History: Georg von Trapp

Georg von Trapp
Today we look at the dad who is played by Christopher Plummer, and who seems reluctant to sing and dance while his children do it so well as Julie Andrews coaches them along. Well, it turns out there is more to this man than the musical shows us and he really lived quite an interesting life. It’s worth diving into and seeing how Captain von Trapp was as a man and a dad.

Georg von Trapp was born April 4th, 1880 in modern day Zadar, Croatia. His father, who was in the Austro-Hungarian navy was Fregattenkapitan August Trapp and his mother was Hedwig Trapp. Fregattenkapitan is a naval equivalent to the U.S. rank of Commander. Georg would follow in his father’s footsteps up to the rank of Korvettenkapitan which is equivalent to the U.S. rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Zadar, Croatia - Georg's birthplace
 After graduating from the Austro-Hungarian naval academy in 1898 Georg went on a two year follow-on voyage which took him to Australia. On his return voyage he went to the Holy Land and received a tour from a local monk. At this point in his life he was not married and did not know how many children he would be a dad to. In a moment of forward thinking he collected water from the River Jordan and years later used it to baptize his seven children. This quality of genuine care for his soon-to-be children carried on throughout his life.

Georg’s naval career is highlighted between 1908 and 1918 when he served in the submarine community of the Austro-Hungarian navy. While on patrols he sank two warships: a French armored cruiser and an Italian submarine. Between April and October of 1917 Georg sunk 11 cargo ships taking his overall tally to 13 in WWI. Below is an image of his first command.

The U-5, Georg's first command
Georg von Trapp married a British woman named Agatha Whithead and they had 7 children, 2 boys and 5 girls. She eventually died on April 3rd, 1922 of scarlet fever which she contracted from one of her children. Georg was 42 at the time of her death. Furthermore, after WWI Austria lost all of its seaports leaving him retired. He relocated the family to Salzburg, Switzerland.

While in Salzburg he enlisted the help of a nearby abbey to provide a tutor for one of his daughters, Maria. The Mother Superior selected Maria Augusta Kutschera to tutor the one child. She soon fell in love with all of the children. Georg soon fell in love with Maria and asked her to stay with him and become a second mother to his children. Not surprisingly, Maria was not in love with Georg who was 24 years her senior.  Maria said, "God must have made him word [the proposal] that way because if he had only asked me to marry him I might not have said yes." They wed on November 26th, 1927 – Georg added another birthday before their wedding making him 25 years older. Maria soon fell in love with Georg. 

The life that follows for the von Trapps is loosely gathered in the musical movie. Georg was not the cold and distanced father portrayed by Christopher Plummer. He was a gentle, warmhearted dad who did enjoy singing and playing music with his children. He was very attached to them and loved them dearly. Georg did not want his children to sing initially. One of his daughters is quoted saying "It almost hurt him to have his family onstage, not from a snobbish view, but more from a protective one." As a father he did what was necessary to provide for them and also to protect them.

The Nazis annexed Austria 11 years after the wedding. In that time three more von Trapp children were added to the brood (what generosity on the part of everyone involved!). Georg did not want his children to be compromised by the Nazi propaganda. He knew what he had to do for his family. So, leaving behind his homeland, friends, opportunities for a naval career and the notoriety his family enjoyed singing he moved his family to Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and eventually the United States. The family paid its way through these countries singing and playing music while only staying 5-6 weeks in each country as refugees.

Eventually the family settled in Stowe, Vermont where they have a family run cabin still open today. Georg died on May 30th, 1947 of lung cancer at the age of 67. He was buried in the family cemetery. Maria was later laid to rest next to him.

The Trapp family Lodge
 While this is just a snapshot of the life of Georg von Trapp there are a few things which jump out showing his genuine love as a dad for his children. He was a professional naval officer who did his work well. He adapted to the difficulties that life threw at him to include the loss of his spouse, the annexation of his country and living life as a refugee. There are no scripted answers that dads have in life. When life was difficult Georg responded the way he always had lived: with love, determination and utmost concern for his family. Georg lived and sacrificed himself for his family making him an awesome dad.


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